伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS,伦敦 University of London)是世界杰出的亚洲和非洲研究中心之一,是大学的法欧洲制定相关亚洲与非洲战略重要的智囊机构,是亚非业样英国唯一一所专门研究亚洲、非洲、学院学专近东和中东的伦敦高等教育机构。同时,大学的法伦敦大学亚非学院是亚非业样伦敦大学系统里享有世界知名度的杰出高校,是学院学专全世界研究东方以及非洲问题拥有学者最多的机构。 伦敦大学建于1836年,伦敦是大学的法欧洲享有盛名的大学系统(联盟)之一。而隶属于伦敦大学的亚非业样亚非学院,它的学院学专创新和跨学科学习蜚声国际,享有声誉,伦敦尤其是大学的法国际研究中的研究生课程,主要以学科创新,亚非业样交叉学科研究和国际研究为优势。 伦敦大学亚非学院的《法学》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:法律、发展与全球化法学硕士(LLM Law, Development and Globalisation)、法律与性别法学硕士(LLM Law and Gender)、国际法法学硕士(LLM International Law)、国际商法和经济法法学硕士(LLM International Commercial and Economic Law)、人权、冲突与司法法学硕士(LLM Human Rights, Conflict and Justice)、环境法与可持续发展法学硕士(LLM Environmental Law and Sustainable Development)、法学硕士(LLM (Master of Laws))、性别研究与法律文学硕士(MA Gender Studies and Law)、法律研究文学硕士(MA Legal Studies (General Programme))、国际法文学硕士(MA International Law)、人权法文学硕士(MA Human Rights Law)、伊斯兰法法学硕士(LLM Islamic Law)、环境法与可持续发展文学硕士(MA Environmental Law and Sustainable Development)、伊斯兰法文学硕士(MA Islamic Law)。下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。 1、法律、发展与全球化法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、International Commercial Arbitration、International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law、Justice、Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Law and Natural Resources、Multinational Enterprises and The Law、Colonialism、Empire and International Law、Foundations of International Law、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、International Investment Law、International Refugee and Migration Law、Law and Postcolonial Theory、Law and Society in Southeast Asia、Law、Rights & Social Change 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 2、法律与性别法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、International Protection of Human Rights、Law and Postcolonial Theory、Human Rights and Islamic Law、Gender、Armed Conflict and International Law 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 3、国际法法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Climate Change Law and Policy、International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law、International Protection of Human Rights、Justice, Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Law and Natural Resources、Law, Human Rights and Peace Building: The Israeli-Palestinian Case、Multinational Enterprises and The Law、Colonialism, Empire and International Law、Foundations of International Law、Gender, Armed Conflict and International Law、International Criminal Law、International laws on the use of force、International Refugee Law、International Migration Law、Law and Postcolonial Theory、Law and Policy of International Courts and Tribunals、The Law of Armed Conflict、The Law of International Trade and/or Financial Regulation 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 4、国际商法和经济法法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Multinational Enterprises and The LawMultinational Enterprises and The Law、International Commercial Arbitration、Law of Islamic Finance、The Law of International Trade and/or Financial Regulation、International Investment Law、Financial law、Legal aspects of international finance、Legal Aspects of Corporate Finance、International Securities Regulation、Corporate governance、Bank Regulation and Resolution of Banking Crises、International Refugee Law、Mapping International Law in London: International Legal Geography in the Capital of Empire、Law, Environment and Social Justice、Law and Justice in Contemporary China、Climate Change Law and Policy、Colonialism, Empire and International Law 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 5、人权、冲突与司法法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Human Rights and Islamic Law、International Human Rights Clinic、International Protection of Human Rights、Justice、Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Law、Human Rights and Peace Building: The Israeli-Palestinian Case、Foundations of International Law、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、International Criminal Law、International Refugee and Migration Law、Law and Policy of International Courts and Tribunals、Law and Postcolonial Theory、Law and Society in Southeast Asia 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 6、环境法与可持续发展法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Law, Environment and Social Justice、Climate Change Law and Policy、Water and Development:Conflict and Governance、International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law、Law and Natural Resources、Water Law: Justice and Governance、Water Law and Development: Conflicts, Governance and Justice、Water and Development:Conflict and Governance、Law, Rights & Social Change、Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、International Migration Law、International Refugee Law、Mapping International Law in London: International Legal Geography in the Capital of Empire、Law, Environment and Social Justice、Law and Justice in Contemporary China、Climate Change Law and Policy、Colonialism, Empire and International Law 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 7、法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Human Rights and Islamic Law、International Commercial Arbitration、International Investment Law、Law and Development in Africa、Law and Society in Southeast Asia、Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa、Law, Rights & Social Change、Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、International Migration Law、International Refugee Law、Mapping International Law in London: International Legal Geography in the Capital of Empire、Law, Environment and Social Justice、Law and Justice in Contemporary China、Climate Change Law and Policy、Colonialism, Empire and International Law 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 8、性别研究与法律文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in gender studies、Gender theory and the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Dissertation Methods for Gender Studies、Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、Gender, Armed Conflict and International Law、Gendering Migration & Diasporas、Gender in the Middle East、From Theory to Practice and Back: Work Placements in Migration Research、Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East、Gender, Peace and International Law、Gender and Development、Genders and Sexualities in South East Asian Film、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费20530英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 9、法律研究文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Human Rights and Islamic Law、International Commercial Arbitration、International Investment Law、Islamic Law (MA/LLM)、Law and Development in Africa、Law and Society in Southeast Asia、Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa、Law, Rights & Social Change 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 10、国际法文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、Climate Change Law and Policy、International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law、Law, Human Rights and Peace Building: The Israeli-Palestinian Case、Multinational Enterprises and The Law、Law and Natural Resources、International Protection of Human Rights、Justice, Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Colonialism, Empire and International Law、Foundations of International Law、International Criminal Law、International laws on the use of force 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 11、人权法文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:MA Dissertation in Law、International Criminal Law、Human Rights and Islamic Law、International Human Rights Clinic、International Protection of Human Rights、Justice、Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Law、Human Rights and Peace Building: The Israeli-Palestinian Case、Gender、Armed Conflict and International Law、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics、Gender、Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Human Rights of Women 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 12、伊斯兰法法学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:LLM Dissertation in Law、Islamic Law (MA/LLM)、Human Rights and Islamic Law、Islamic Law in Global Financial Markets、Gender, Law and Society in the Middle East and North Africa、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Human Rights and Islamic Law、International Commercial Arbitration、Law and Development in Africa、International Migration Law、Justice, Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Post Conflict Societies、Intellectual Property Law (PG)、Multinational Enterprises and the Law I、Israel, Palestine and International Law、Gender and the Law of War 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费23680英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 13、环境法与可持续发展文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:Law, Environment and Social Justice、Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、Climate Change Law and Policy、International Environmental and Sustainable Development Law、Law and Natural Resources、Water Law and Development: Conflicts, Governance and Justice、Water and Development:Conflict and Governance、Water Law: Justice and Governance、Law, Environment and Social Justice、Law and Global Commons 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费22550英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65) 14、伊斯兰法文学硕士 1)课程设置 这个专业的课程设置主要有:MA Dissertation in Law、Preliminary Law, Legal Reasoning and Legal Methods、Islamic Law (MA/LLM)、Law and Society in South Asia、Human Rights and Islamic Law、Gender, Law and Society in the Middle East and North Africa、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Human Rights and Islamic Law、Law and Society in South Asia、Law and Natural Resources、Intellectual Property Law (PG)、International Environmental Law I: Principles, Institutions & Enforcement、Multinational Enterprises and the Law I、Israel, Palestine and International Law 2)申请要求 学制1年,学费23680英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)